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changes between 11G and 12C OOTB folder structure for Catalog

Hi Team,
I am trying to analyse what are the changes between 11G and 12C OOTB folder structure for Catalog and dashboards.
For example If I am taking Financials module, what are the new dashboards,reports and prompts and etc are introduced in 12c when compared to 11g in OBIA.
Is there any document that oracle has given to check this or we need to manually check all this information
Any information on this will be very helpful and appreciated.
No idea about a document answering your question, but to help you doing it "manually" have a look at the scripts provided in Sample App, there is a script which parse your full web catalog and extract all the data (list all the content etc.).
So running that kind of script (take a older SampleApp running 11g to get the version working in 11g as it's possible the 12c version doesn't work in 11g) you can easily make the diff in the DB or even just on the generated text files.
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Hi Gianni,
Thanks for the reply.
I have 11g installed in my machine and having sample app. so checked in installed folder but could not get them.
Can you help me with the path where I can find these scripts.
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I'm talking about this Sample App: OBIEE Samples
Not the Sample App Lite source and example dashboard.
If you download the VM and look at the dashboard named "10. Lifecycle and Admin" you will find the scripts.
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Thanks Gianni for pointing to required OBIEE Samples.
I will try to download this VM and check for the scripts.