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Need information on how OBI 12C memory is utilized.

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saketsrv Rank 5 - Community Champion

Hello Community Folks,

I need some clarification on how OBIEE 12C memory is utilized.

As per oracle 12 c memory requirement given in link below

4.1.3 Example: Determining Memory Requirements for a Development Environment


Referring to above screenshot, each Admin and Managed servers should take up 3gb of memory.

But in my case (having two domains), Admin Sever is taking 3.4gb each and Managed Server is taking around 3.7gb to 4gb of memory.

Screenshot below:



This is causing 100% Memory Utilization with user (having only obi 12c) alone taking up 14.3 gb of memory and resulting Java threads stuck and even causing Application crash.


Ideally it should not more than take 3*4=12gb of memory (as per oracle document).

Again process like saw-server,nqsserver adds up even more memory.

Please note there is no activity happening as like report fetching or any back end activities in the application, no user other than WebLogic (Default Authenticator Administrator).

Is this behavior usual and increasing memory is the only option I have or am I missing out anything?

I have also tuned the JVM but no luck.

Is there any way I can tweak with the OS system files to optimize the Java to use less memory?




  • Syedsalmancs110
    Syedsalmancs110 Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hello Saket,

    Could you please go through OBIEE 12c Infrastructure Tuning Guide and verify all recommended configuration is in place.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Syed Hamd Salman

  • saketsrv
    saketsrv Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Syed,

    I have gone through this doc and i did tuning wherever required from the application side but before i push this to infrastructure team (since they are too good in pushing all the blame on application) i need to be sure i have no other option.

    Plus my initial query here is regarding the utilized memory behavior.

    Is this normal? Is the tuning all the mentioned topics in above link is a must ?

    I ask this because i have done this setup many times earlier and and have not faced any issue before.


  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru
    Syed Hamd Salman wroteCould you please go through OBIEE 12c Infrastructure Tuning Guide and very all recommended configuration is in place.

    @Syed Hamd Salman "recommended configuration"? Really? So the document should be taken literally and implemented?

  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru
    saket_srv wrote:Is this normal? Is the tuning all the mentioned topics in above link is a must ?


    The blog post pointing to the document states: "All tuning information stated in this guide is for orientation only and should be tested and monitored closely to determine what best suits your needs."

    The MOS Doc states:


    All tuning information stated in this guide is for orientation only. Tuning is an iterative process, every modification has to be tested and its impact should be monitored and analyzed.

    Before implementing any of the tuning settings, it is recommended to carry out end to end performance testing that will also include to obtain baseline performance data for the default configurations, make incremental changes to the tuning settings and then collect performance data. Otherwise it may worsen the system performance."

    And the PDF states the same AGAIN.

    Now this is precisely why I called out Syed on his statment. No, it is NOT a MUST to follow that document.

  • Syedsalmancs110
    Syedsalmancs110 Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hello Christian,

    Thanks for pointing it out, yes you are correct it is not mandatory to follow the document as document recommendation might or might not be helpful based on individual environment, "recommended configuration" was indeed incorrect use of words from my end.

    But Infrastructure Tuning Guide does help in issues as posted in this community post.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Syed Hamd Salman

  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    It can help but it's dangerous to simply throw it out there as people - like the OP - will in the best case ask the valid question "is this a must" and in the worst case just start random knob twisting.

    @saket_srv your basic java configuration and config of admin + mgd server in terms of the jvm is important. Have you fiddled around with that? Changed anything? I have 12c VMs running with 10GB of assigned memory for the whole VM and they run fine.

  • Hi,

    Didn't read fully the "doc" screenshot as it's just impossible to read (too small).

    But few points that can maybe help you: nowhere is written than OBIEE 12c require 3Gb for AdminServer and 3Gb for the managed server.

    What you posted is a generic rule for FMW, but OBIEE is a bit more than just FWM, it's actually a lot more than a FMW app.

    A clean OBIEE 12c install is more on the 8Gb (your said 3.4 + 3.7-4 = 7.1-7.4, add 200-300 for the OS and you are close the 8Gb).

    So your original rule wasn't right for the tool.

    And as you saw it's java, and java will end up taking all your RAM at some point ...

    Just not sure why you say you have 2 domains: what kind of install did you do? The domain is supposed to be only one ...

    What is your issue in the end? Trying to size the environment you need? Trying to understand why you don't have enough resources? (post the full details of your current environments)

  • 3310714
    3310714 Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Hi Christian,

    Sorry, just a side track.  What OS are you running in your VMs?  Linux, AIX, Windows?  Did you use the default JVM settings for node manager, admin server, and managed servers?

  • Christian Berg-0racle
    Christian Berg-0racle Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Oracle Enterprise Linux 6.7

  • I'm not officially on Christian's laptop (at least he isn't aware of that, so don't tell him ) but I bet on OEL most of the time. For example SampleApp use OEL6.x (can't remember the exact update, one of the latest).

    I had many VMs on OEL7 as well with 10Gb of RAM which works fine and never changed a single setting. Clean install and used like that directly doing normal work (development work, so of course not having 50 concurrent users but doing various models and reports and also using Essbase etc.).

    The reason for OEL is because it's free and the most supported linux probably (being released by Oracle there are lot of chances they also develop on that platform), it is RHEL-like and so a proper enterprise linux. Also a lot lighter than Windows VMs (from a memory point of view).

    Not aware of anyone using AIX VMs on their laptops.

    The only thing I generally do on VMs is to switch /dev/random for /dev/urandom for Java to make things faster (the entropy thing etc. Google is full of that).