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OBIEE Prompts in Internet Explorer

Received Response
Dennis Hancy
Dennis Hancy Rank 5 - Community Champion

Recently I noticed that the Apply and Reset buttons are missing from some prompts when I use Internet Explorer.

On other dashboard pages, the prompts are just completely gone.

It all works fine when I used Google Chrome.  Plus, my coworkers are not  having any issues on either browser.

Up until yesterday, this was working just fine for me.

Any idea what might have changed that's causing this?




  • Empty your browser cache and delete all the temp files.

    And if you want more ... post more (versions of OBIEE, versions of IE, if IE was updated recently etc.)

  • Dennis Hancy
    Dennis Hancy Rank 5 - Community Champion


    I tried your suggestions, but I'm still seeing the same issue.

    Here are some more specifics:

    Internet Explorer version: 11.1106.10586.0

    OBIEE: 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

    And I made one additional observation this morning.  The prompts work great for me in our production environment (same versions of everything).  It's only in our Dev environment where I see the problem.

    Thanks again.


  • Robert Angel
    Robert Angel Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    Try adding OBIEE as trusted site and ramping down the restrictions on trusted site.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru
    Dennis Hancy wrote:Internet Explorer version: 11.1106.10586.0OBIEE: 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

    There was,,,, with about 30 odd bundle patches plus all the innumerable OBIA versions so "11.1.1" is a tad unprecise ;-)

  • Dennis Hancy
    Dennis Hancy Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Haha.. Ok.  That's what I saw when I clicked on Help.  Not sure how or where I find the precise version number.  I still have much to learn about OBIEE.

    Anyway, I stumbled across something that fixed my immediate issue.  When clearing the cache, I saw a checkbox at the top that says "Preserve favorites website data".

    That box was checked.  But when I unchecked it, the prompts started working correctly again.

    I have no idea what this even means, but for now, I am back in business.  Just curious - would this "fix" work for any of the 11.1.1 flavors of OBIEE?

    Also, is there any recommended reading where one can learn about OBIEE?  My company sent me to OBIEE training a  year or so ago.  That gave me the basics, but the more I dive into this, the more questions I have.

    Thanks again.


  • That's why, even before to know which version, I wrote to delete the temp files of the browser.

    Gianni  Ceresa wrote:Empty your browser cache and delete all the temp files.

    Without going into details of how IE works, if you do not uncheck the checkbox it just doesn't delete anything related to your favorites sites (and OBIEE is one of them), so you were actually not deleting the temp files. (but the "help" of IE or Google are better places to get all the hints to master IE ...).

    The official doc is good to have a link around, an instance of SampleApp also helps (OBIEE Samples ) but more in general just take your training docs again and go over the various things to refresh your mind. Then it's about searching (google or here) and going through the various blogs you will find.

    Can you maybe close the thread as the question is answered? Right now it's still This question is Not Answered.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    Gianni beat me to it but generally IE is known for messing up its local files. No fix. It's a browser issue.