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Admintool not showing tables to Import.
Hello All,
We have installed 64 bit OBIEE Admin tool ( on our 64 bit windows 7 machine And we are trying to get data from Oracle Database. So we have set the Connection Type as OCI 10g/11g. Then when we try to import the tables it's not showing any tables under the schema as in the pic below.
1. I checked and enabled the OCI library while installing Oracle 11g client.
2. Path in Environment variable is Set as C:\ora64\product\11.2.0\client_1\bin;
3. I checked the bi_init.bat file and set the path.
4. oracore11.dll is available in directory.
I still don't understand why is it not showing the tables in database schema to import.
I checked the NQSAdminlog file and it has the below error.
[2017-11-29T17:38:36.000-08:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [NOTIFICATION:1] [] [] [ecid: ] [tid: 2780] [46153] The configuration file (security.xml) was not found or is inaccessible.
[2017-11-29T17:42:55.000-08:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [NOTIFICATION:1] [] [] [ecid: ] [tid: 2148] [46153] The configuration file (security.xml) was not found or is inaccessible.
[2017-11-29T17:43:17.000-08:00] [OracleBIServerComponent] [NOTIFICATION:1] [] [] [ecid: ] [tid: 2148] [16020] Metadata Database Type: [[
Data Source Name: EDWP
Data Source Type: Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64b
Please Help.
Picture? Which picture?
Do you see tables in any other schema? Maybe you just don't have the permissions, with the user you connect to the DB, to see tables in that schema ...
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use the same connection details and try it in SQL developer ... rule out the install/config of your oracle client.
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I Updated the pic, Please take a look. I'm able to access the Schema and tables from SQLDeveloper with the same credentials.
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This is not my personal Computer. I didn't even find the OPMNctl.bat File.
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It could be a lot of possibilities but it will be related with the Oracle DB Connection, dont know if you use a Oracle Client which can be produced the conflicts between them. Have you seen that? If you have a clean installation you cannot have that trouble (As you mentioned that the SQL DEVELOPER user/password credentials are you using in your OBIEE Connection Pool, this is not a privilege issues)
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In addition to all other suggestions, can you tnsping the Oracle DB from the OBIEE server?
Can you connect if you modify your data source in connection pool to
This will test that you can connect from the OBIEE server to the DB server either using tnsnames or directly