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End of the Report in RTF Template

Received Response
manyam16 Rank 4 - Community Specialist


I have created a RTF Template and placed the "End of the Report" Text at the end of the template after all the loops and tables and everything.  It is not printing.

Can you please suggest what mistake I am doing.

or can you please let me know how to do it.

Thank you,


  • DNK
    DNK Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    It would be easy if you can attach sample xml and template so that we can try to help you.



  • Thomas Dodds
    Thomas Dodds Rank 8 - Analytics Strategist

    100% volunteer force here - that means no time to sit around and guess what you might have done.  Please give as much information as possible including that actual template you are trying to use.

  • manyam16
    manyam16 Rank 4 - Community Specialist

    Sorry for not responding earlier.  I got this fixed.  There was some error in the loop and hence the end of the report did not render properly. Thank you very much