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Delete arrow belowe graph

Is it possible to delete arrow like on screen?
I only want to leave first three arrows.
As it's part of the same functionality (go to the beginning, go to the next 30, go to the prev 30 and load all) not something you can enable with a checkbox I would say.
Is that only for a unique single analysis or more something generic that you don't want to see that "load all" arrow never again?
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Only for one/two dashboard with ~10analysis.
I know that is the same functionality and i searched in html location for this arrow. It comes from:
<img class="TapeDeckImageEna" onclick="PTRowScroll('saw_2808_a','-1)','', event)" onkeypress="PTRowScroll('saw_2808_a','-1)','', event)" src="server.....png" tabindex="0" onmouseover="PTTD(event, 'res/s_blafp/viewui/pivot/showallrows_ovr.png');" onmouseout="PTTDO(event)" onmousedown="PTTD(event, 'res/s_blafp/viewui/pivot/showallrows_dwn.png');" title="Display maximum (500) rows per page" alt="Display maximum (500) rows per page">
It is possible maybe hide this arrow image?
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You should start by asking yourself WHY you are trying to do this rather than hacking the GUI.
Are you trying to make the tool unusable on purpose?
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It's only a question from my PM for one of the projects because they want see only first free arrows and for me is interesting. If it is not possible, ok.
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That's precisely the pointless kind of "requirements" that makes analytics projects fail because people focus on GUI garbage than actually achieving things.
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That's precisely the pointless kind of "requirements" that makes analytics projects fail because people focus on GUI garbage than actually achieving things.
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You said that so loud it echoed...
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Still feeling the reverberations now!
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PMs should PM ... This ask is not in PMing ... ignore the ask.