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OBIEE 11g Catalog Validation - meaning of errors and warnings

Hi all
I just completed a catalog validation on an OBIEE environment. I followed the instructions in the Oracle doc: . I changed all the elements to "Report" as I first want to see the actual errors and warning before actually cleaning anything. The validation ran through quite quickly and wrote lots to the log. However, some of the warnings are a little vague. For example, there are numerous entries with "[OBIPS] [WARNING:16] [] [] [ecid: ] [tid: ] Not using query timeout for searchIdentities" . What does that mean? Should it be of any concern that it apparently isn't using a query timeout?
I haven't been able to find any info that explains the errors and warnings resulting from a catalog validation. I tried searching the warnings and errors in Oracle Support but the little I got did not seem to relate to a catalog validation scenario. Does anyone know of a document or any resource that will help?