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How to find out if the functionalities are being used in OBEE?

Received Response
User_27DEY Rank 5 - Community Champion

Hello, can you please let me know if the following 2 functionalities are being used in OBEE Thanks

1.    Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Foundation Edition

2.    Oracle Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Fusion Edition


  • Hi,

    You are mixing products with licensing packages and titles.

    If you have licensing questions you maybe want to speak with your account manager to find out what you licensing for vs what you installed/are using/plan to use.

  • User_27DEY
    User_27DEY Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thanks so if we use Enterprise version then we have license for using them correct?

  • "Enterprise" .... what?

    You better assume you don't have any valid licensing because if you use something without having the license you can get in trouble.

    "Oracle Supply Chain and Order Management Analytics Fusion Edition" was one of the pieces of content of OBIA 10 years ago, no idea if it's still the case.

    "Oracle Business Intelligence Suite Foundation Edition" is a licensing name, not a product.

    Both these 2 "packages" use a product which is OBIEE from a technical point of view.

  • User_27DEY
    User_27DEY Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thanks a lot!