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Values in the Case Statement
I am not sure why sometimes not all values in the case statement appear when it is used as a prompt/filter, for example I have this case statement :
CASE WHEN (FILTER("Pipeline" USING "Time Opportunity Close"."Fiscal Year" = 'FY22')) is null or (FILTER("Pipeline" USING "Time Opportunity Close"."Fiscal Year" = 'FY22')) = 0 and (FILTER("Pipeline" USING "Time Opportunity Close"."Fiscal Year" = 'FY23'))> 1 then 'New Logo' else 'Repeat Customer' end
Then when I use it as a prompt/filter, I only see the 'Repeat Customer' value and not the 'New Logo'.
If you use that expression to populate the options in a prompt, aren't you overdoing it?
Just write the 2 static values in the prompt, don't disturb the server by running an expensive query (because it needs to go down to a data source and do some cooking) to have 2 values back, mainly if you are asking yourself why don't you always have the 2 values all the time.