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Add more detail to patch alerts

Organization Name
Nationwide Insurance
The alerts that administrators receive before a patch are too generic to determine what is being patched. There are limited details on the patch that is being applied. It would nice to have the version numbers the instances is being patched too.
Use Case and Business Need
This would help prepare in the event of a major release versus a smaller patch.
Original Idea Number: 8b3a310739
This is a great recommendation, we will follow-up.
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Great idea!0 -
Great idea!
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Well. Alert can be in a form of email too.
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We are almost done with our process change.
As you know, the notification has a link to the OAC 'What's New' document, however since the notification was going out ahead of the actual product release the What's New document was not yet published. With the 5.7 notifications that were just sent out, we managed to reduce the gap from two weeks to two days. With 5.8 we plan to push the docs out on the same day as the notifications.
While this will not change the email template, it will make sure that the email is pointing to the correct release information with complete details on what are the new/changed/removed features.
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Most changes were implemented with 5.8
- Indication of the release number on the notification
- indication of the specific instance on the notification
- link to the upcoming release content (what's new)
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You can find the 'What's New' webpage here: for the latest features and updates.
As well as viewing all the newer release selected new feature videos here: