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BI Publisher Pivot xpt layout only allows 5 row fields. Can this be increased ?

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Pivot option (using BIP report) only accommodates 5 row fields and cannot add more. Can this limit be increased?

Use Case and Business Need

This can be achieved using Excel Template but xpt layout is much user friendly than Excel Pivot but it cannot fit more than 5 fields for row labels. Also, is there any way we can add header or labels to the row columns to the xpt pivot layout ?

Original Idea Number: af6a7bb8cc

15 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    That is quite lone term limitation of BI Publisher templates (it pays not only from rows but also for columns in pivot table design), so this should be definitelly solved - highest time (this limit is there in BI Publisher since I remember - 10 years or more...)