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Oracle BI Admininstration Tool: Variables do not update

Received Response


  • Carsten Weber
    Carsten Weber Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Oralce support recommended my to do the following to steps:

    1. Install version "" of administration tool

    2. Set the refresh intervall of my inilization block to one minute instead of one hour

    I have created a simple analysis which shows the current date and time of a dynamic repository variable and which is send to my E-Mail account hourly:


    I will try to set up this agent by using a condition, so it is only send in case the difference between the shown repository variable and the actual sysdate (maybe via SQL) is bigger then one hour. Not quite sure how to accomplish this matter of having a check between a repository variable and an actual sysdate but I guess I will figure it out.

    Anyway so far everything still works fine and I will keep you updated as soon as Oracle might have a further solution.

  • Carsten Weber
    Carsten Weber Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Just wanted to keep everyone up to date:

    Last Sunday at 16:15 CET this problem of not refreshing dynamic variables occured again.

    Therefore I had to restart all BI services using shell command line.

    I also created another SR for Oracle and now they gave me the following hint / advice:

    Can you please disable the cache for this report and test the issue.

         Advanced tab -Prefix 


    Apply and run the report keeping variable initialization block refresh interval to smaller one, i.e 1 min.

    I did the changes but somehow I do not think this has anything to do with the problem as the dynamic variables are created / calculated within the BI administration tool and not within the report.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Rank 10 - Analytics Guru

    "I did the changes but somehow I do not think this has anything to do with the problem as the dynamic variables are created / calculated within the BI administration tool and not within the report."

    Yeah that's a weird suggestion. The variables have zero to do with that. It's a different architectural component. I can run OBIS without even having an OBIPS and do all over ODBC...variables should still work and update.

    tl;dr - rubbish response