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Insufficient Permissions when using Visual Analyzer in OBIEE

Hello All,
We have OBIEE integrated with EBS 12.2.6. Once we login to OBIEE through EBS and click on new 'Visual Analyzer Projects' it asks for login details. When we enter the EBS user id (which we also created in weblogic) and login , it gives below error. Please provide any suggestions to make this work.
Insufficient Permissions
You do not have sufficient permissions to use this application. Please contact your Service Administrator.
Sameer VA is governed by Application Policies. Have you granted these to the correct Application Roles?
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@956747 Did you give up on this thread?
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maybe it will be helpful for you
How To Remove Or Add Specific OBIEE 12c Data Visualization | Visual Analyzer Permissions And Access (Doc ID 2102444.1)