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Unable to Connect db through RPD OBIEE 12 C

Hi All,
I have created one connection and trying to connect DB through RPD in Online mode but i am getting below error.
Also i have added TNS entry in tsnnames.ora
The connection has failed
[nQSEerror: 17014] could not connect to oracle database.
[nQSEerror: 17001] Oracle error code : 12170 , Message ORA-12170 TNS: Connect timeout occurred at OCI call OCIServerAttach
But if i was open RPD in Offline mode we are able to connect DB.
And Report level i am getting below error
ORA-01012: not logged on Process ID
please help
Do you have a tnsnames.ora file in the right location for the Admin tool?
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HI Joel,
The tnsnames.ora file is in right location.
One more things, i have create jdbc connection and i am able connect db successfully.
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Is it now working or not?
On which location did you store tnsnames.ora?
Which version of Oracle-Bi are you running on which OS?
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Hi Michael,
Its not working through RPD.
tnsnames.ora stored in below location
OBIEE Version: Oracle Business Intelligence
OS: Windows 10
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Just a simple check: can you change the datasource name to a direct connection and try again?
Direct connection is: server:PORT/SID
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Hi Micael,
As per your suggestion, i have tried to connect db by direct connection.
But same error occurred.
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Do you have an Oracle Client on your OBIEE server? If you do,can you connect via SQL Plus to your DB? Can you try pinging the DB server from your OBIEE server as well?
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HI Joel,
By using SQL Developer, we are able to connect DB and also able to pinging the DB server from OBIEE server.
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Place complete connection string into RPD and try.