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How to hide / encrypt nqUser and nQPassword when Passing to OBIEE

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Rai Qaiser Hussain
Rai Qaiser Hussain Rank 5 - Community Champion

Hi All

Below code is shared by one of my friends to call the dashboard URL from external portal but portal should be html link. I tried to transform into URL acceptable by command prompt within oracle 11g application through webutil.client_host but failed,

anyone please help, my main requirement is just to hide nqUser and nqPassword or pass encrypted credentials to OBIEE and it should be acceptable


suggest is it possible to encrypt the credentials and pass to OBIEE Dashboard.

<form action="http://<BI server name>:<BI server port>/analytics/saw.dll?" method="post">

<input type="hidden" name="nqUser" value="<weblogic>">

<input type="hidden" name="nqPassword" value="<123456789>">

<input type="submit" value="Answers">


Note:- We are also working on LDAP , document shared by Mr. @Christian Berg but my company needs this option also.
