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Priority in business model

Hi everyone,
I have question about model in business layer.
Let's assume that I get model like:
F1 and F2 - facts tables
D1 and D2 - dimension tables
My question is:
Can I set priority for this model that when I use columns from F1, D1, D2 I want that BI generate SQL Query without join between D1-D2? It is mean - when I use columns from F1 - I want use joins only between F1-D1 and F1-D2 - without joins between D1-D2.
When I don not use columns from F1, but use columns from F2, D1, D2 that i want use joins between F2-D1 and D1-D2. It is possible to control model in rpd?
If I understand correctly, the join between D1 and D2 is only there for F2. I suggest having separate aliases of your D tables for F1 and F2. The aliases for F2 include a join between D1 and D2, while the aliases for F1 do not.
Keep in mind that assuming you want to have a common logical table, you'll also have to two logical table sources in the BMM, one for F1 and one for F2.