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Custom Formatting in OBIEE Graphs
I am working on OBIEE I am facing an issue while creating graphs, I am using 'date' and 'Vendor' in Bars, and 'Network Classification' in Legend. There are 7 dates and 3 Vendors, I have a requirement that three vendors should be shown separtely. I am attaching OBIEE format and my required Format, from there you can have clear idea of the issue.
On the group by part for the horizontal axis, try moving vendor above date
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Already tried this but this does not work.
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3698127 wrote:Hi,Already tried this but this does not work.
What does "this does not work" mean?
Because the order of the columns define the order of the bars in the chart.
Now if what you expect to get is exactly the picture you posted, sorry but the tool doesn't do it. OBIEE does many things, but you can't expect any possible kind of random chart you saw somewhere else.
And you are also calculating things in the analysis (with SUM(...) ), while this is supposed to be a measure in the RPD already.
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I have attached a screen shot in which OBIEE format and required format is also shown.
I jist need that three vendors should be shown seperately against all dates as shown in screen shot.
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First vendor and 7 dates, then second vendor and 7 dates are requiree.
But OBIEE works like that one vendor and a date, then other vendor and a date.
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Sorry but you are either not doing it right or not saying everything about the analysis. OBIEE always worked as @Shane.S said.
The order of the columns in the horizontal axis box matter: Brand, Year generate this chart with first a group by brand and for each brand every year as bar.
If you want to have first a group by year and for each year the bar of every brand you simply reverse the order of the 2 columns:
Are you saying that you change the order of the columns and the chart doesn't change? Post a screenshot of the layout of your view if it's the case.
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As per your screenshot my requirement is that first two bars of year 2012 and 2013 and brand will be Biz Tech. And third and fourth bar is of year 12 and 13 and brand will be Funpod.
As in tabular format Biztech column properties is 'suppress' and against this brand all year values are repeates.
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As per this screen shot you can find each vendor is shown only once and its corresponding values are repeated.
As per your screen shot I need every brand is shown only once and its corresponding years are repeatee.
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I need like as shown below.
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I need graph format of you attached report is as shown below.