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SSO SAML 2 setup on OAS 5.9
This covers Kerberos SSO without Docker on Linux for OAS 5.5 basic Version without patches and OAS 5.9 and 5.9+
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Coming to the SSO Solution for OAS on Windows, I'll need to discuss with Product Management and take a decision to make it public or not. For now, the MOS Doc is Internal and we can share with Customers only upon request for the Solution on Windows. I will update in Jan 2022.
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I am doing some research on SAML SSO for Oracle Analytics Server. You said this article Doc ID 2761678.1 was the Docker-Container based approach for OAS, but this doc ID is for 12c using ADFS as the id provider. Is there an article for OAS specifically using the Docker approach or other approach for SAML SSO?
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Hi Alan,
Please recheck, you are wrong. the Doc ID : 2761678.1 is still pointing to the SAML and Kerberos SSO for OAS.
There might be some confusion at your end, please recheck. (Also attaching the screenshot)
Oracle Support Document 2761678.1 (SAML 2.0 and Kerberos Single Sign-On Configuration for Oracle Analytics Server) can be found at:
Doc ID 2761678.1.PNG"> Screenshot of Doc ID 2761678.1.PNG0 -
We are also trying to do SAML2 with OAS 5.9. However, our users and groups information is in an oracle table. Is there any example anywhere on how to make that intergradation work? Any idea/pointers would be appreciated.
We have the ORacle Docker sso part running but need to know who to integrate WL with the DB to grab users and rolls.
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You can use BISQLGroupProvider to map LDAP Users with Database Groups.
If you have both Users and Groups from Oracle Database, you can use SQLAuthenticator or ReadOnlySQLAuthenticator.
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Really? I still used the Docker SSO right? It would really be helpful if Oracle could write up notes on the various combinations.
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It's already there in the OAS Documentation, For SSO to work we need Users and Groups from either the WebLogic Embedded LDAP or External Authenticator like any LDAP (MSAD, MS ADLDS, Open LDAP, ODSEE, OID, OUD, etc)
We Delegate Authentication to SAML IDP. We perform Authorization at the product level. So we need the same set of Users existing at the SAML IDP User Store to exist in the OAS WebLogic Admin Console to be configured as an Authenticator.
Also in the SAML/KERB SSO Docker MOS Note (SAML 2.0 and Kerberos Single Sign-On Configuration for Oracle Analytics Server (Doc ID 2761678.1)) we have given info on Configuring External Authenticator like MSAD and BISQLGroupProvider. Maybe we might have not given SQLAuthenticator, but one needs to check the OAS Documentation on multiple ways to get the users and groups on board if they need more info.
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ok thank you
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We do not have an ldap that contains all the users. We do have a table that has users and groups (but no passwords). Would we be able to leverage Docker SSO with BISQLGroupProvider and SQLAuthenticator? We do not have an ldap. We federate with various offices but do not have a central LDAP.