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SSO SAML 2 setup on OAS 5.9
Please check this Doc attached (Maybe it's better not to attach the doc if you want the doc to share your email and I can send you directly) I used a Static password. If you want you can have a Random number or a system date command to execute and compare it as a user's password.
No real column in the table.
SELECT 'Welcome1' AS U_PASSWORD FROM USERS_VW WHERE U_NAME = ? (NOTE: pwd, for testing purpose)
Also as I am using SSO the password column is not imp and real users should not use that PWD to log in. so I create a random no or static PWD or a system date function in the password query.
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are you reachable thru oracle support?
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I have the db authenticator working. However, what identity asserter do I use? So I have the Docker SSO configured and the db authenticator. When I login via the federated url I end up and the username password screen in oas. I have confirmed that my user and associated groups appear in the weblogic console.
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No I do not have it working.. I end up at the Username password screen in OAS.
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so I have the UserGroupDBAuthenticator working and I have updated the adapter to use the database as an ldap. I can see users in the Weblogic Console and I see the groups as well. There are no SQL errors in the out log. HOwever, after I get passed from Docker SSO to OAS I end up at the OAS login screen. What am I missing? Any help would be appreciated.
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please approach me at
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So I have SSO working and in the Weblogic Conole I can see the users and the groups from the DB Ldap. However, when I log into OAS my application roles are not populated from the table. Any ideas what I could be missing? All the roles do appear in Enterprise Manager (my id is not listed in any of the groups but not sure they would)
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Once I added the group to the role in the enterprise manager this solved the problem