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Unique URL for different canvas in a project
Organization Name
Verizon Wireline IT
Multiple canvas in the project have the same URL . Users are looking for a different URL for each can canvas so that it will be easy to hyperlink to that particular canvas when embedded in answers.
Use Case and Business Need
Users are looking for a different URL for each can canvas so that it will be easy to hyperlink to that particular canvas when embedded in answers. In OBIEE answers , each page in the dashboard is identified by a unique URL , but DV generates the same URL for all the canvas in the project.
More details
This is not allowing the user to refer to a particular canvas when embedding in the dashboards.
Original Idea Number: 2ef80b45c5
The overall request makes sense -- a way to navigate to a specific DV canvas via a URL. Is there a way to use a DV project in place of an answers dashboard as a work around? I am wondering if there is a specific reason the user adding them to answers dashboards.
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The users are using as a drill down on a metric using embedded URL . Right now they have to create separate project for each canvas since there is no way to pinpoint to a particular canvas. It would be great if this is added to future releases .
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It may not be so simple, but the idea (like URL to specific points within an HTML page) can be useful to avoid confusion and get the user to the page you intended.
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This would be extremely helpful to allow URLs from other external applications or even from an Answers Action Link to go straight to a specific canvas (would be fantastic to be able to leverage a "navigate to BI content" from Answers to DV and pass report criteria, but at a minimum would like to be able to use "Invoke an HTTP Request" and go to a specific page). In Answers, you can do this easily by adding the dash page as a variable in the querystring. Would like to just do something similar in DV.
We have traditional Answers dashboards now that we link over to DV reports, but in order to go to a specific canvas, we have had to split canvases that would logically go into a single project into separate projects with one canvas, so users are directed to the proper canvas (but then they can't leverage the related content of the other canvases all in one project - and it significantly increases the maintenance of the overall project from a developer perspective).
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We have a story for this requirement and it is currently in the Development team's backlog.
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Take a look at the above link, I think we can consider this delivered.
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In short, at the end of the project URL add:
&canvasname=<name of canvas>
Based on the guidelines in the link that Matt provided
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Just want to clarify it is not the canvas name it is the canvas ID that is needed in the URL. Doc has all the details on how to get that ID.
&canvasname=canvas!<canvas ID>