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Print Preview option in DV

Organization Name
Print preview option for:
- normal print
- print in pptx, pdf, png
Use Case and Business Need
Printing is heavily used by DV Developers and End-Users.
This option will help our developers understand if they have to perform any changes to their canvas before printing.
Original Idea Number: 2d6c73ee8e
I would propose to improve the printing functionality. Practically every time you print, the image created from the DV canvas or story page doesn't match what you see on your screen regarding size, visibility of items, etc.
When printing, it should use the size / resolution settings of my display.0 -
We were thinking more of a WYSIWYG approach than adding print preview. Although both could be useful. Is this for actual printing or more for export to PDF/image/pptx, etc.
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It is for both: actual printing and PDF/image/pptx.