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Ability to publish apps for Data Viz visualisations and support for mobile devices


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Hi, we are currently assessing how we can make Data Viz visuals/canvases available to more users.   We have the option of embedding content into dashboards but were wondering if it would be better if Data Viz was extended to support this more directly.   

Consider something like the KPI "cards" that are available with OAX, it would be super to have a "card" type interface for DV visualisations.

The "Narrate" screen within Data Viz projects is useful for sharing projects and maybe this could be extended to enable us to deploy Data Viz canvases as custom apps for wider distribution and that support different devices.   Ideal features could include:

1) Ability to arrange visuals as "cards"

2) Allows user to filter data or modify existing filters

3) Visuals are dynamic so sizing and layout can auto-adjust to support mobile devices e.g. switch from grid to single column layout

4) Easy to integrate/embed in external portals

5) Ability to set default filters and also dependencies between filters

6) Ability to apply filters on the URL similar to how Go-URL with OBIEE

7) Support master-detail linking between the cards.  For example, you click on "Asia" and all the other cards filter for Asia

A lot of requests here but hope it is a useful suggestion.


Use Case and Business Need

We are in a position currently where BI Dashboards have great integration/embedding potential but do not come with all the visualisation features of Data Viz.     On the other hand, Data Viz comes with all the visuals but is not yet mature enough where it can be deployed as "apps" to lots of users and support mobile devices.    If the investment is with Data Viz then it would seem a good idea to extend Data Viz to provide better integration/embed capability.

Original Idea Number: 590b9c1f93

19 votes

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  • TimVlamis
    TimVlamis Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Tony- I'll go ahead and post this screen shot for others who may not know about the Developer tab in DV. There is an extensive set of "hooks" for using DV objects in other web pages. I'm not sure to what extent all of your comments are supported, but I suppose that ambitious and creative developers could do some. Great feedback.


  • Antony Heljula
    Antony Heljula Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hey Dan, thanks for the reply - I agree that we are moving in the right direction where DV canvases can be embedded in external applications, so this is a good starting point.   Like you hinted though, the reason for posting the idea here is because the capability is still not close to where it needs to be for enterprise applications.   For example:

    1) Canvases cannot be displayed on mobile devices (e.g. the display does not dynamically adjust)
    2) We can only embed static content - there is no ability to use GO-URL functionality that is in OBIEE so we can apply filters prior to embedding

    3) The filters/prompts within Data Viz are currently far too basic - there is no default selections, variables, dependencies or even single-select prompts

    4) No equivalent to presentation variables

    5) Master-detail linking is not as slick as it needs to be (e.g. if you compare to other platforms like Qlik) 

    6) etc

    So whilst we could do a customer demo to show that Data Viz content can be embedded in an external application, as soon as the customer wants to do something "real" then the existing features are not comprehensive enough to make Data Viz a viable solution, as things currently stand.    However, I do understand it is one step at a time and the future for Data Viz appears to be looking great, please excuse me for being impatient :-)

  • TimVlamis
    TimVlamis Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Tony- Definitely agree with your sentiments and suggestions, especially regarding needing more capability for filters and variables in DV. I'll defer to your knowledge and others on the API/embedding piece. Just thought I'd point out to others where to look. I'm always amazed when this stuff actually works in production :) 


  • Wilian Perone
    Wilian Perone Rank 5 - Community Champion

    I totally agree with the stated points. We can see the product going in a good direction. Specially for mobile would be great to have more progress on the user experience. The Synopsis app has a very nice UX but lack ability to filter and other basic ones that make it of not so much use as we would like to. 

  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 7 - Analytics Coach

    Tony, as usual, perfectly hit the point - highly desirable feature.
    I would just add one more "feature" to the Tonny's list :
    Ability to perform "Data Refresh" from this "presentation" mode of DV. I am lacking this currentlt when running DV project in presentation mode (parameter reportmode=presentation).
    Kind regards
    Michal Zima

  • A lot of great ideas, but it is hard for us to provide a single status to topics that include multiple requests. In general, the concept of Analytics App delivery as a consumption model (not limited to mobile) as well as some of the dashboarding elements listed here are planned, but not all and not at the same time. 

  • Antony Heljula
    Antony Heljula Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Thank you Gaby for the reply, it is appreciated

  • 1) Ability to arrange visuals as "cards"

    You can create your dashboard in any layout you want, we are not going to change the way that Canvases are authored to address one single use case

    2) Allows user to filter data or modify existing filters

    Available with on-canvas filters 

    3) Visuals are dynamic so sizing and layout can auto-adjust to support mobile devices e.g. switch from grid to single column layout

    It already does that for mobile

    4) Easy to integrate/embed in external portals

    Already possible

    5) Ability to set default filters and also dependencies between filters

    Possible with on-canvas filters

    6) Ability to apply filters on the URL similar to how Go-URL with OBIEE

    We will address parameters/prompts later on

    7) Support master-detail linking between the cards.  For example, you click on "Asia" and all the other cards filter for Asia

    Already possible with use as filter

  • Antony Heljula
    Antony Heljula Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi Gaby, thanks for the update

    For 5) maybe the latest release is different but I've only seen it possible to hard-code default values in the DV filters.   Can it now be done dynamically based on either variables or custom query?   Sorry for not being clearer - I meant having default values without hard-coding

    For 7) I was referring to having the filters/dependencies work between cards.   At the moment, if you embed DV in a portal the "use as filter" only works for visualisations presented in the same canvas.    The suggestion was to see if we can have interactivity between cards.   The reason is that having separate cards can visually be very appealing, but we lose a very neat bit of functionality if we do it..   Not a major requirement, just a suggestion

