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Ability to capture delete operations fro BI publisher reports from BI analytics URL for auditing pur

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APL logistics


Ability to capture delete operations fro BI publisher reports from BI analytics URL for auditing purpose .

Currently only create and update operations are supported.

Use Case and Business Need

Off lately there has been cases when our complete BI publisher folder got deleted over the weekend . When we traised an SR with oracle to get the audit details ,they shared few reports to unachieved to get the audit details on BI publisher reports and their folders .

On checking we could see Delete and Update operations available but delete operation is not available to be captured from Analytics URL.

THhs enhancement is very important to capture the audit details and to strengthen the security and to capture the details in case of any deletions mistakenly done 

Original Idea Number: 7640446549

7 votes

Needs Votes · Last Updated


  • RaviThejaDarbha
    RaviThejaDarbha Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Delete Process Tracking is not possible and so backup is important for all under custom folder.

  • RaviThejaDarbha
    RaviThejaDarbha Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Good Idea to Get tracking of user on delete event trigger process on all objects on view & entity objects. can directly call a direct session id based rest call to store session ID and user id.