Oracle Analytics Cloud and Server Idea Lab

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Allow taking contextual decisions, and dispatching actions from the analytics visualizations/reports




To give a little background, as of today, we can analyze the data using Oracle Analytics to gain valuable insights. Recently there was a feature delivered in Oracle Analytics 6.2 version to be able to add user comments at data intersection levels. Although this feature is interesting and awesome, it is not a complete solution in order to realize the actual benefits of data insights. (Click here for more details about this enhancement)

Ideally, users should have the ability on the same page (where he visualizes the data insights and adds comments) to take contextual decisions and dispatch actions to the responsible people based on the insights gained from the data. This is still missing and is the most important loose end of the game.

Moreover, it would be great if the user could also tag people in the comments section (@person) so that automated notifications would be triggered to respective persons.

Use Case and Business Need:

As a user, I would like to take immediate decisions and dispatch actions to assignees (depending on the data insights) so that I can save time to reduce business risks, increase productivity and maximize profits.

I believe this should be the ultimate direction and vision of Analytics Products Portfolios which can even extensively utilize AI-ML algorithms to take predictive actions or at least provide intelligent decision suggestions to the users.

I really look forward to seeing it live in action! ? Always ready to collaborate and provide valuable inputs on how it can be achieved. Please get in touch. ?

cc: @Benjamin Arnulf-Oracle, @Gabby Rubin-Oracle

6 votes

Submitted · Last Updated


  • I think this is an excellent idea. It would be good to have a way to "tag" a person and have also a way to define status for an action as "comment reviewed, action pending, action completed"...

  • Michal Zima
    Michal Zima Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    To have more collaboration features in OA is really good idea.

  • Amrita Gupta-Oracle
    Amrita Gupta-Oracle Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    Workflow capability for consumers of the report to review and acknowledge the data in the reports, would be a great new feature addition.

  • Parag Hiremath
    Parag Hiremath Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Upvoted - will be a useful feature. Thanks