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how to print BLOB images in the xml reports,Oracle apps
how to print BLOB images in the xml reports,Oracle apps
Hi Friends,
I need to show the employee images from PER_IMAGES table . Please provide me any suitable solution if any one come across this kind of requirement .
How To Insert Images and Logo in the XML Publisher Reports and Documents? (Doc ID 550627.1)
How to Insert Images and BLOBs Dynamically into Word Template or Document? (Doc ID 443957.1)
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Hi there, we did something for our check logos printing.
Since logos are stored in the Databse as BLOB,
1 - we extract them using a function
SELECT util_Pkg. Convertblobtoclob64(Fl.File_Data)
FROM Fnd_Attached_Docs_Form_Vl Fv
WHERE ....
2 - util_Pkg. Convertblobtoclob64 is...
FOR i IN 1..CEIL(DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(p_blob_in) / l_buffer)
l_varchar := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(utl_encode.base64_encode(DBMS_LOB.SUBSTR(p_blob_in,l_buffer,l_start)))
DBMS_LOB.WRITEAPPEND(l_clob_base64,LENGTH(l_varchar),l_varchar) ;
l_start := l_start + l_buffer;end loop;
3 - This extract a bunch of character and is within the xml file use to generate the check.
4 - in the rtf Template, we just call the XML elemend field and word handle it.