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Selecting Folders Using On-Premise Visual Analyzer
Selecting Folders Using On-Premise Visual Analyzer
I'm not sure this is the place to ask this question but I didn't see a forum for on-premise version of Visual Analyzer.
My customer would like to open VA with a specific folder opened/selected by default. For example, 'VA Projects' on the Home page, or a specific folder under 'Shared Folders.'
I'm familiar with using home.jsp?pageid=home and home.jsp?pageid=datasources to navigate from page to page. I've also seen reference to project.jsp?pageid=visualAnalyzer to create a new project default; however, I've seen nothing that would allow me to navigate to a specific folder.
Can anybody shed some light as to where I might look for something like this?
Many thanks.
Thought I would provide what I've come up with so far...
If I use the following:
http://<obi server>/analytics/saw.dll?catalog&action=browse&path=%2Fshared%2F<my custom folder>&name=*
I can navigate via URL to any folder - check in the box - need this.
If I use the following:
http://<obi server>/analytics/saw.dll?catalog&action=search&path=%2Fshared%2F<my custom folder>&name=*&type=project
I can search for JUST VA projects in any folder - again, check in the box - need this.
I STILL need to do this while in Visual Analyzer but haven't cracked that nut yet.