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Bursting BI publisher report with Excel file or creating each record as one report from in excel dat
Bursting BI publisher report with Excel file or creating each record as one report from in excel data file with PDF output format?
Hi Gurus,
i have created report by using excel file as data set and used rtf template for field mapping. But i have to burst the report. Is it possible? or is there any other way to generate multiple reports based on for each excel rows?
for example i can explain here with two rows.
i have excel files data
EmpID EmpName Salary Location
101 xxxx 100 NY
102 yyyy 200 NJ
Now i have to generate two reports one is for EMPID 101 and another report is 102 in PDF format. The output name is something like EMPID_101_XXX_NY.PDF and other report is EMPID_102_YYYY_NJ.PDF
Thanks in advance,
let me clarify here, the excel file contains 500 records, now i am getting all 500 records in one report output file. but i want to generate 500 reports by using that single excel sheet data in pdf format. that means for each record in excel file should generate one report in pdf format., that means 500 rows should create 500 reports in pdf output format.
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!--Generated by Oracle BI Publisher>
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Yes I understood , please provide your XML data tags.
Sent: Thursday, March 08, 2018 7:56 PM
To: mist123
Subject: Re: - Bursting BI publisher report with Excel
file or creating multiple reports for each row in excel file?
Bursting BI publisher report with Excel file or creating multiple reports
for each row in excel file?
created by user7498756 <> in *BI
Publisher* - View the full discussion
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I just want to make sure that , you need one PDF file for one row of data (Ex: for Invoice number) correct?
If yes ,please provide your XML data tags , based on that you can develop Burst Control file.
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not sure your question, i have an excel file with data. Excel file contains 500 rows.
what i did in BI publisher, i have added that Excel file in data model and created sameple file. I got sample records in xml file. Based on that xml file, i have created rtf file and uploaded that rtf file by using excel data model and now i can see all 500 records in rtf template. B
But here my requirement is i have to create 500 reports for each excel record in PDF format and need output format in the form of excel columns.example EMPID_101_XXX_NY.PDF and other report is EMPID_102_YYYY_NJ.PDF
Right now i am getting all 500 records in one report.
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what is the filter condition? i mean how do you know this one is Excel and another one is PDF?
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Please read this blog and let me know and try and try then ask me questions so that you will know ...:)
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looks like it is XML publisher the one you sent, now it is BI publisher. Some steps i didnt find in BI publisher mainly control file and concurrent related.
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what kind of delivery you want PDF to folder, Burst to Email , printer?<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><xapi:requestset xmlns:xapi="" type="bursting"> <xapi:request select="/DATA_DS/G_1"> <xapi:delivery> <xapi:filesystem id="pdftofolder" output="/tmp/$EMPID_${EMP_ID}_XXX_${ADDRESS}.pdf" /> </xapi:delivery> <xapi:document output-type="pdf" delivery="pdftofolder"> <xapi:template type="rtf" locale="en-US" location="xdo://XXC.XXARNEWXML_BUR.en.US/?getSource=true" --> change with ur Template code filter=".//G_INVOICE[CF_BURST='Y' and CF_ORGNAME='US']"/> ---If you have any filters?? otherwise remove this</xapi:document> </xapi:request></xapi:requestset>
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Hi, the file you sent is control file? how to save that file with what extension? where to place that control file you sent in BI publisher?