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BI publisher report is printing XML tags in the output instead of actual output.

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User_36Q42 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice


BI publisher report is printing XML tags in the output instead of actual output.



I am working on a new XML publisher report. Report is printing XML tags in the output instead of actual output. I have checked RTF file but not able to figure out what is missing. It is a single record and doesn't has group. Fields also looks having proper tag in Add help Text.

Please find attached RTF file and Data Template. Appreciate any hint on what I am missing here.






  • User_36Q42
    User_36Q42 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thank you for the reply. Please find attached sample data file.

    YGUTTIKONDA Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    check the link provided earlier in this thread ..

    there are three parts

    1) Concurrent Program

    2) Data Template / Definition

    3) Template Definition

    make sure that all the 3 are setup properly and are linked. ....

  • User_36Q42
    User_36Q42 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    I have used data template file name in the Data template code. Should it be data template code instead (LLKBRCVTKT_FG)?

    <dataTemplate name="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" description="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" Version="1.0">


    <?xml version="1.0"?>

    <dataTemplate name="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" description="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" Version="1.0">


    <parameter name="P_TRANS_ID" dataType="number" defaultValue=""></parameter>

    <parameter name="P_TKT_NUM" dataType="number" defaultValue=""></parameter>



    <sqlStatement name="Q1">


    select msib.segment1 item

    ,      '!I/C'||replace(replace(msib.segment1, '/', '/O'), '*', '/J')||'!' ITEM_BAR

    ,      msib.description descr

    ,      mkc.kanban_card_number kanban_card



  • User_36Q42
    User_36Q42 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Please find attached concurrent program screen shot. sample data file attached in my earlier update is the output of the report.

    Thank you ,


    YGUTTIKONDA Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    ok can u check the Data definition setup and the template setup using the XML Publisher Admin responsibility and make sure they are linked properly .. I doubt that the template definition is not set properly ..

    YGUTTIKONDA Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    can u send me screen shots of the output from apps ? Also screen shots of Concurrent Program , Data Definition and Template would be good ot take a look at

  • User_36Q42
    User_36Q42 Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thank you for checking. We don't see XML tag when run from BI Publisher but giving XML Tags in the output when registered and running from Oracle Apps.

    YGUTTIKONDA Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    I do not see any XML tags when i run the report.. attaching the output

    YGUTTIKONDA Rank 6 - Analytics Lead

    ignore my previous comment regarding the Data Template.. i misread

    pl upload the sample data to check it out