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BI publisher report is printing XML tags in the output instead of actual output.

BI publisher report is printing XML tags in the output instead of actual output.
I am working on a new XML publisher report. Report is printing XML tags in the output instead of actual output. I have checked RTF file but not able to figure out what is missing. It is a single record and doesn't has group. Fields also looks having proper tag in Add help Text.
Please find attached RTF file and Data Template. Appreciate any hint on what I am missing here.
Thank you for the reply. Please find attached sample data file.
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check the link provided earlier in this thread ..
there are three parts
1) Concurrent Program
2) Data Template / Definition
3) Template Definition
make sure that all the 3 are setup properly and are linked. ....
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I have used data template file name in the Data template code. Should it be data template code instead (LLKBRCVTKT_FG)?
<dataTemplate name="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" description="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" Version="1.0">
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<dataTemplate name="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" description="ABL_FG_KANBAN_RCV_TKT" Version="1.0">
<parameter name="P_TRANS_ID" dataType="number" defaultValue=""></parameter>
<parameter name="P_TKT_NUM" dataType="number" defaultValue=""></parameter>
<sqlStatement name="Q1">
select msib.segment1 item
, '!I/C'||replace(replace(msib.segment1, '/', '/O'), '*', '/J')||'!' ITEM_BAR
, msib.description descr
, mkc.kanban_card_number kanban_card
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Please find attached concurrent program screen shot. sample data file attached in my earlier update is the output of the report.
Thank you ,
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ok can u check the Data definition setup and the template setup using the XML Publisher Admin responsibility and make sure they are linked properly .. I doubt that the template definition is not set properly ..
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can u send me screen shots of the output from apps ? Also screen shots of Concurrent Program , Data Definition and Template would be good ot take a look at
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Thank you for checking. We don't see XML tag when run from BI Publisher but giving XML Tags in the output when registered and running from Oracle Apps.
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This might be of some help
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I do not see any XML tags when i run the report.. attaching the output
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ignore my previous comment regarding the Data Template.. i misread
pl upload the sample data to check it out