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Dataset viewing

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Is it possible for administrators to see the contents of uploaded datasets


Users can upload a dataset into DV and it remains private, but I would like admins to see the data that is held in the system - does anyone know if this is possible?


  • Shortest answer: It's not.

    Longer answer: There is no longer answer.

  • Prasanna Thota
    Prasanna Thota Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Adrian, if you as user 'ABC' create a dataset, this is how you can grant access to an Admin and vice versa:

    1. Login to OAC DV as user 'ABC'

    2. Select the Data option from the OAC DV Menu on the left

    3. Select the Dataset menu on the top to view all the data set user 'ABC' user had created

    4. Highlight on the dataset you want to grant access to the Admin, right corner select "Actions Menu" of that dataset selected. Select "Inspect" -> Go to "Access" -> search for the "Admin" user id on the search by name on top right, and select add.

    5. You will now see the Admin added as one of the user, you can now grant (Full Control / Read-Write / Read Only) privileges you want to add to the Admin or any user, for that matter. And vice versa for the data sets created by Admin to grant to other users.

    Note: Datasets are not automatically visible to other users, including Admins, until the user who created the dataset goes through this grant process. In a perfect scenario, Admins should be able to have read-write access to any/all data sets irrespective of which user creates a dataset, but thats not how it works in OAC DV. Its just one extra added step that is required.

    Hope this works for you! Good luck!



  • I think he meant a more generalized, not one-by-one access :)

  • Adrian Ward UK
    Adrian Ward UK Rank 2 - Community Beginner



    Yes I do mean viewing the data.


    I know your response is well intentioned, but I don't think you need to waste your time replying with the basics that is already obvious to all users of the DV app.

    What I think this forum should be for is the stuff that is not so obvious, perhaps nuggets that are either hidden in documents or people have experienced elsewhere and had oracle support

    many thanks anyway





  • Prasanna Thota
    Prasanna Thota Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Adrian, i may have misunderstood your question, i was trying to answer the one one one access, is what i thought you were asking.  Yes agree with Christian Berg, that functionality for Admin to have all privileges to DV objects at the time of creation by any user, is currently not available.Hopefully in the very near future releases.

    With that said, we do have an Enhancement request for Oracle (without an ETA), on why an Admin does not have inclusive privileges on all DV objects without a need to grant one on one. (Enh 28833630 - ABILITY TO ASSIGN PERMISSIONS TO NEWLY CREATED DV OBJECTS, related SR 3-18558338701 : Unable to see other connections/datasets/projects by other users as ADMIN).

    Note: In relation to my detailed explanation, I noticed not all user in this forums are experienced, in the past, one liner answers were not sufficient as some did not know where to navigate. Hence, the detailed explanation. :)



  • Adrian Ward UK
    Adrian Ward UK Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Thanks Prasanna

    That Enhancement request is exactly what we need.

    Also, All round we need better granularity on permissions - we don't want all users to be able to create competing data on the official platform 


    I should have been clearer in  my question - "apart from users giving you access, how can Admin see the datasets that are created, including their contents" would have been a better way for me to put it:)
