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User access in OAC

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New users unable to run reports in shared folders



Hope someone can help....

I have created a user in the Oracle Identity Cloud Service console, and given them the role of Analytic Viewer.

I have then gone in to the Console > Users and Roles screen in Oracle analytic Cloud and added them to an application role of App_role1.

Meanwhile a data analyst has created a report and saved to a shared catalog folder. When you inspect the folder App_role1 has read-only access, the reports App_role1 has read-only access and the dataset App_role1 has read-only access.

The user tries to run the report and gets an error saying that they don't have access to dataset!?

Another user created with the exact same roles etc can run the report OK. This has happened to 3 other new users set up since the update Oracle applied to the cloud at the end of October.

Anyone have any ideas??



  • Prasanna Thota
    Prasanna Thota Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Paul, is this in OAC Data Visualization Dataset?



  • Prasanna Thota
    Prasanna Thota Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    If its the OAC DV dataset is not visible to other users, here is what you need to also do (in addition to what you have done already):

    1. Login as the 'DataAnalyst' who created the dataset into your current instance (TEST or PROD)

    2. Select the Data option from the OAC DV Menu on the left

    3. Select the Dataset menu on the top to view all the data set user 'DataAnalyst' user had created

    4. Highlight on the dataset you want to grant access to the Admin, right corner select "Actions Menu" of that dataset selected. Select "Inspect" -> Go to "Access" -> search for the "User1" who is trying to access the report on the search by name on top right, and select add.

    5. You will now see the "User1" has been added as one of the user, you can now grant (Full Control / Read-Write / Read Only) privileges you want to add to the Admin or any user, for that matter. And vice versa for the data sets created by Admin to grant to other users.

    Note: Datasets are not automatically visible to other users, including Admins, until the user who created the dataset goes through this grant process. In a perfect scenario, Admins should be able to have read-write access to any/all data sets irrespective of which user creates a dataset, but that's not how it works in OAC DV. Its just one extra added step that is required.

    There is an enhancement request for Oracle on this already we have created, and awaiting a solution in the near future releases/patches (Enh 28833630 - ABILITY TO ASSIGN PERMISSIONS TO NEWLY CREATED DV OBJECTS).

    Hope this works for you! Good luck!



  • Paul King-174576
    Paul King-174576 Rank 2 - Community Beginner

    Thanks for the reply and the information Prasanna.

    That's worked! It does feel a bit work aroundy but we have now added this procedure to our help files. 

    I will keep an eye out for Enh 28833630 - ABILITY TO ASSIGN PERMISSIONS TO NEWLY CREATED DV OBJECTS in the near future.

    Many Thanks!