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Filter by Button click
Need to filter all data on sheet with one button click
My user needs the ability to filter all data by Yesterdays date by clicking a button, then reset by button click.
Click:Todays_Date() -1, show only Yesterday
Click: Clear, show all dates
Date fields is Entered_DTTM
18 , Cloud
I have built something similar in a dashboard: by default we display this month numbers and by clicking 'Last month' button, you get the numbers for the previous month.
To do it:
- Create two pages on your dashboard
- Insert an "Action Link" on Page 1 pointing to Page 2 and similarly on page 2, pointing to page 1
In the Section Properties, you can use "Custom CSS Class" = Section Button so your Link is displayed as a button
- In Properties, Hide Page 2
Hope this makes sense and will help you.
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That sounds like one way to do it. I have 7 report objets on my page so that would not be my first option unless it is my only option.