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How to adjust column width in TreeMap view or Wrap entire text within the cell

Created report using TreeMap. However due to large text the values are completely not visible.
Please let me know how to adjust the width of the column dynamically.
Hi Prasannasrinivasan,
1. You can seperate a part of the column field you are using into a new column using prepare tab of DV.
2.Now apply tree-map visualization using that new column - by this you get treemap with a part u have seperated in above step.
(Approach-1) 3.Now you can add the actual column in tool tip , so as u hover over the tile , you will get correspinding info
(Approach-2) 3.Create a new visualization in the same canvas on actual column with "table chart type" & apply "use as filter" on the tree-map visualization created above in 2nd step.
so in this approach if u select the tile of a tree-map , the table visualization shows data of that particular value field.
Sakethvishnu D