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Getting repeated header on same page with different numbers in oracle RTF
Rank 2 - Community Beginner
I have a data model G1 which have header information of invoice & G2 which have line information of that invoice.
I am using start & body tag as i want some content in header & footer part. But i have a repeating group as well as i need to print multiple invoices also with single invoice on single page.
Using for each tag before start for G1 causing repeated headers on single page.
Please suggest a solution on this.
Code Snippet
<?for-each:G_1?> -----header content with logo including field which comes from G1---**repeating** <?start:body?> <?for-each:G_2?> -----content- including form fields--------------------------------- <?split-by-page-break:?> <?end for-each?> <? end body?> <?end for-each?> -------------content with logo for footer part including form fields----------
Hi Sagar,
What is the expected result you want to achieve?
Do you want to have the header in each page or not?
Also is G_1 a repeating element? Because if not it wouldn't make sense to use for-each for G_1
Juan Diego