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How to restore datasets/projects deleted from OAC?
Indeed importing in the target environment the dva file of a folder brings both the DV pieces and the classic artifacts.
The last trouble is that the folder is restored in "My folder" instead of "Shared folders".
I could move it but then the path to the artifacts in the dashboard page are wrong and I have to replace them from the new shared folders path.
Do we have a trick to avoid that the folder is restored in "My folder" ?
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@Jean-Pierre Hoedenaeken I guess you need to be "located", when making import, (in BI catalog structure) in folder, where you want to import this DVA archive (containing whole folder) and it should work.
Just to maje it clear: DVA package/archive created from BI catalog folder contains only those DV objects (data sets, connections),which are related to workbook, located in this folder (DV objects, except workbooks, are not stored in BI catalog folder structure).
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I would agree with what Michal said: the catalog archive does not contain any information about absolute paths, you can restore it where you want but you need to execute the import where you want it. I highly doubt they did change the behavior of that 10+ years old piece of logic just for this (even if the DVA does contain a text file with the absolute path of what has been exported, but this can't be understood from the unarchive logic and it would even be wrong to force you to restore an export only in the same exact absolute path it does come from).
A DVA export from the catalog is really a weird file because it mix things that are from different sources (as Michal said only workbooks are in the catalog, all other DV objects are in the database directly and don't have a catalog presence) and work in different way.
Personally I find it a really poorly defined feature working heavily as a black box. It sounds more as something developed to tick something off a list than with real lifecycle management in mind. The same lifecycle management that has badly missing features in DV, like that famous API that still doesn't exist and other elements that are not fully developed. (Do you want to work offline on a OAS or OAC catalog? Officially you can't, practically you can but they will not like how you do it and will fallback to a "but you don't really need this feature" kind of reply, or just no reply at all to emails ?).
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There is no choice but to agree with everything, what Gianni summarized in previous entry - data governance/administration of DV objects is still very limited/clumsy and it is one of the biggest weakness of DV (as part of OAC/OAS suite) as such (although product as such is developing quite heavily and many improvements are really very good) . Hopefully our laments will be heard by responsible people from Product Management/Development.
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I've done some further testing and could manage the following use case : promoting from one environment to another a shared folder that contains visualizations and classic artifacts, with the Dataset(s) and the Connection(s) used by the visualizations.
The process that fully works is :
- archive the folder located in "Shared Folders" from the source environment;
- unarchive it in "Shared Folders" in the destination environment;
- export the visualization(s) (options : Data and Connection Credentials) in a DVA file;
- import the DVA file in the folder archived & unarchived in first and second step.
Thanks for your help Michal ang Gianni and feel free to share the info on your blog if you want.
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Well, keeping Snapshot backups become easier than ever. You can use the Rest API to do the Job automatically.
Bala Guddeti
Principal Analytics Technologist