Can we pass a value from one DV report to other with <= condition
We have a requirement to drill from one DV report to other report.
Report 1 and 2 have Accounting Date column. From report 1, we need to pass Accounting Date to report 2. However, the catch here is we have to show all records in report 2 where accounting_date <= accounting_date of report 1.
If it is = condition, it will work fine.
Please let me know if there is a way to achieve this requirement.
Thank you!
Hi Sahithi,
As far as I am aware, this is not feasible. In Data Actions we do not have the option to set the type of filter operation in the parameters being passed. The way we do it in classic is through presentation variables, or, through a filter report. Neither of those options are available in DV currently. Presentation variables may be available at the end of Q1.
There are workarounds, like passing the year to the next report, and, then creating a visual in your target canvas listing periods. Then this visual can be used as a filter to filter your target visual, by selecting on the specific period. This of-course is work around, and, is not the exact solution for your issue.
Hope this helps.
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AFAIK this is not yet possible in DV.
As a workaround you can try the following approach (you have to embed the target DV workbook into a dashboard):
- Create your source DV workbook (Report 1)
- Create your target DV workbook (Report 2) and embed it into a Dashboard
- Create a dashboard prompt in the Dashboard for the Accounting Date column, select "less than or equal to" as the operator, and add the filter into the dashboard with your target DV workbook
- Create a data action to navigate from your source DV workbook to the dashboard that contains the target DV workbook
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Hi @ Federico Venturin
I have created a dashboard prompt (using classic OAC) and used Accounting Date <= as the operator. Data is not getting anchored from 1st report to the dashboard prompt. Am I doing something wrong?
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I did further investigation on it and the workaround I described above is not applicable to your use case.
While I'm able to get data anchored from the source DV workbook to the dashboard prompt, I discovered that not all the available operators in the prompt will work with the embedded DV workbook (your target).
In particular, when I ran the dashboard containing the prompt with the
is less than
operator and the target workbook I had the following error:ERROR: Error in handling report Datasets metadata.: Please check the filter configurations, following combination is not supported : sOperator less, bIsDateCol true, bIsNumericCol false
AFAIK the only way to achieve something similar to your requirement is to replace the target DV workbook with one or more Classic analyses, place them in a dashboard page with a dashboard prompt, and create an action from your source DV workbook to this dashboard.
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Let me jump into discussion with my personal experience:
"Integration" between dashboard prompt and embedded DV workbook on dashboard is very limited
1) filter values from dashboard prompt are always passed to DV workbook using equal condition (so forget other type of comparisons)
2) Presentation variables (set at dashboard prompt) are not "passed" to DV workbook - DV is not aware of them, so you cannot use them in custom filter conditions.
So big space for improvement for Product Development.
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Agree with Michal completely. This has been my experience as well.
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I totally agree with @Michal Zima and I would add to his list the fact that you get an error message when you try to export a dashboard with an embedded workbook.
However, operators other than
is equal to
are actually supported.. but they must be applied to measure columns only0 -
Thank you! @Federico Venturin and @Michal Zima for your inputs.
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This may be more trouble than its worth, however, it looks like there is a lot of flexibility in passing filters in OAC DV Embedded Content within an Oracle APEX application. This is the best blog I've found that walks through the process of embedding the DV, as well as passing through filters via APEX items.
I imagine you could take the accounting date then create an APEX process to create a filter variable that matches your requirements and pass it through via the JavaScript code.
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Not able to open the blog. Can you please post the url once again?