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Referencing Parameters in the Layout Editor Filter

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Referencing Parameters in the Layout Editor Filter



   What is the syntax we should use to reference a parameter in the Layout Editor Filter?


Test Filter.png


  • Prudence K
    Prudence K Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Hi - what is the end result you are expecting?  To display what parameter was chosen or to filter your report to the parameter? 

  • Mr  H
    Mr H Rank 3 - Community Apprentice


       We have a special case to use the Parameter value to Filter the records based on two columns. So it will do the job for the 1st column and we need to pass it through the filter to the second column. 


  • Mr  H
    Mr H Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Hi Mihaela,

       I can create and use Parameters with no issues. I need to reference the value of the passed Parameter in another Filter condition. Like in Analysis we can reference the Parameters as Presentation Variable.


  • Mr  H
    Mr H Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    As per the screenshot below in Analysis a Prompt is defined as variable and used in the Filter condition. 

    I need to do the same in the Layout Editor.


    Annotation 2020-02-11 140830.png

  • Noelle Bartlam-Oracle
    Noelle Bartlam-Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion

    Analysis prompts will not be visible within bipublisher reports.  They are obiee content, not bipublisher.  BIPublisher has it's own parameters that are defined in the datamodel.

    If you're usecase is to pass the value of the parameter from an obiee dashboard, there is an excellent blog article that explains how to do this:



  • Mr  H
    Mr H Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Thanks Noelle, the report is based on subject area not a data model. I checked the blog but the parameters form in this case does not have the option to name the parameter as presentation variable. So I was wondering if there is a special naming convention to reference the parameter. Please check the image below:


  • Noelle Bartlam-Oracle
    Noelle Bartlam-Oracle Rank 5 - Community Champion

    For BIPublisher reports based on analysis, the filters are inherited by the analysis.

    Additional Notes on Oracle BI Analysis Data Sets

    Parameters and list of values are inherited from the BI analysis and they display at run time.

    The BI Analysis must have default values defined for filter variables. If the analysis contains presentation variables with no default values, it is not supported as a data source by BI Publisher


  • Mr  H
    Mr H Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    The report is based on Subject Area not Analysis.
    The parameter is created on the Report Level.
