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Filter for a numerator only with a proportional metric

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We have a dashboard including an analysis which computes a simple proportional metric (numerator/denominator)

We want to have a dashboard filter available which only applies to the numerator not to the denominator. However, the filters in OAC are applied after the join of the tables where the numerator and denominator data are from respectively.

For example: Metric = Failures/Total Usage (percent failure)

There are several kinds of failures. Would like to have a filter for 'kind of failure' which only applies to the numerator. In fact, we'd like the user to be able to choose the filter from prompts. How does one best do this using OACS Data Visualizer?


  • Selvam Muthiah-Oracle
    Selvam Muthiah-Oracle Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

    Add the numerator (Failures) column in the analysis and add the failures to the filter and mark as is prompted.

    Add the same column in the dashboard prompt, so that the user can select from the prompt.

    you can also hide/exclude the numerator column in the report analysis, If you don't want to show it in the dashboard.

  • There are couple of options. For a specific failure you can setup a filter:

    This function generates a new filtered measure from the given measure and the given filter expression.

    FILTER(measure USING filter_expr)

    measure is the name of a measure column. filter_expr is a filter expression.

    Example: FILTER(revenue USING brand = 'abc')

    If it is to create something like a % of total, try using the chart properties.

  • LCur-Oracle
    LCur-Oracle Rank 1 - Community Starter

    Thanks Bret. I haven't worked in the data visualizer interface that much so I didn't see that option and I will look for it. The earlier comment's solution wouldn't work as it would also filter the denominator.