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23D Broke BI Reports when using views and different languages

From 23D we have noticed that any BI reports/data models using tables that factor in the users language no longer return the values based on the users language.
Even running SELECT userenv('LANG') FROM dual in BI Report and Analytics when using a user with any language other than english will always return 'US'.
We have tried other demo instances even just to be sure and the issue appears here too. This was not an issue in 23C
Best Answer
Hi Paul,
Based on my internal research i found that one bug logged for the same issue with 23D release. SR will help to fix the issue faster.
Hi Paul,
Looks like an Bug to me as per your question. You may log an SR and followup with team to get the patch if its an really an bug . Make sure you have setted the locale .
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Hi Arjun,
Thanks, yeah we havent changed anything between the 23C to 23D upgrade. It all was working as expected before 23D.
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Brilliant that's good news to hear it's not just us.
Thank you
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@Paul Hassall - Did it work for you after the SR? We are also facing weird errors.
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@Mallikarjuna Kuppauru-Oracle and @Paul Hassall - Is there a fix identified for this issue? We are replacing queries one after other for impacted reports and wanted to check if there are any alternative fixes.
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Hi Abhilash,
We have had no progress on this one yet. I am hopeful that this issue is resolved soon so we don't have to manually change all reports.
If you have any updates on your end, please could you let me know.
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Hi Abhilash,
We have had no progress on this one yet. I am hopeful that this issue is resolved soon so we don't have to manually change all reports.
If you have any updates on your end, please could you let me know.
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Hi @Paul Hassall ,
In our environment, we replaced the view with base table and report which was faulty was back working again.
But we wanted to know the root cause of what changed in 23D which was not in documentation.
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Any luck with permanent fix?