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Ability to connect OCI Data Catalog Service from OAC
The ability to harvest RPD and BAR files from obj storage was in a Beta program. The program ended quite long time ago.At present there is no way to harvest OAC artifacts into the catalog. With the new development of semantic modeler , its good idea to leverage "OCI Data Catalog Service" and allow lineage and provide sample visualizations to the users.
Data lineage subject area missing in contrast with OBIEE , Needs to fill the gap
Bala Guddeti |
Principal Analytics Technologist
@Bret Grinslade - Oracle Analytics-Oracle Pls take a look
Bala Guddeti
Principal Analytics Technologist
0 -
The stated functionality was a feature that the OCI Data Catalog team was planning and did early testing. It is not an OAC/OAS feature. I believe they still plan to introduce a similar feature in the future, and we work with them on some of their needs, I am not aware of any timeline or commitment from their side.
Please note that it is unlikely that they are visiting this Idealab to comment, as the OAC/OAS Idealab usually does not have Data Catalog topics.