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"Include column" shortcut menu item: Is there a known bug for views of direct database analyses?
We are experiencing a new problem with the "Include column" shortcut menu item in views on a dashboard page, but only when selected from the view of a direct database analysis that is on a page with other direct database analyses. The problem is that, when selected, the resulting list of columns displays column names from other direct database analyses that are positioned above it on the same page. Only the names appear incorrectly; the positions in the list seem to be pointing to the correct columns within the correct analysis, as they are correctly added to the view when selected. The incorrect column names correspond with columns having the exact same column positions in the other analyses.
What product (full name and version) are you talking about?
What is a "direct database analysis" for you? An analysis built using a direct database query?
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It would be better to provide the screenshots with issue details, to understand the issue and the discrepancy.
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I don't know what name to call the product, since OAC includes both DV and a "classic" interface, which used to be called OBIEE. It is the Oracle Analytics "classic" interface.
I do not have visibility to the version number.
"Direct database analysis" is the type of analysis created by selecting menu path, Create -> Analysis -> Create Direct Database Query.
Here is what the "Include column" menu item looks like in the shortcut menu that you get by clicking within a view:
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Hi @Chere-Oracle ,
In this case, your product calls OAC, it is the cloud version of OBIEE/OAS. To check your version, you can login DV (.../ui/dv/?pageid=home), and click your account icon on the top right, then click About, it will show the version, like November 2023.
In the screenshot you uploaded, what happen when you click one of the listing column under Include column?
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Although the version number is not shown there, it does show the date: November 2023.
>In the screenshot you uploaded, what happen when you click one of the listing column under Include column?
I tried to answer this question in my original post, but maybe it was not clear. The column is added according to the position within the list; that is, the column name is irrelevant. Whatever name would have been in the clicked position if the list were showing correct names -- that column becomes correctly included in the view.
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Hi @Chere-Oracle ,
November 2023 is the version.
I was wondering if there is error when you click one of the listing column under Include column, as you mentioned the column name is irrelevant.
Due to the data security, I would suggest raise a SR for this issue, so our support engineer will review the dashboard with you offline.
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No, there is no error; the correct column is successfully included in the analysis view.
I have raised an SR. Thank you.
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Commenting for updates
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The SR was never picked up. Eventually the reporting team decided to close the issue without resolution. The application that is the source of this subject area will be migrated to a cloud application sometime next year, so the reporting solution will have to be redesigned anyway.