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OAC DV to Snowflake using SSO
Organization Name
Right now we are conectng to Snowflake using SNF connector from OAC . But we cannot pass SSO credentials to Snow flake connection . We can only pass local snowflake login credentials . But in our company we cannot create any logins in SNF .
Let us know if there is any way to enable OAUTH authentication inSNF connector
Use Case and Business Need
Users create their own Snowflake connection using their credentials which is recommended to enable user level security . But users cannot create connection using their SSO credentials (OKTA) .
Original Idea Number: 2c8b53348a
This is a must for large organizations who use the likes of PingIdentity for securing their platforms.
We have this as an open issue and causes issues for adoption regarding our enterprise security.
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BTW this should be for any database / source connection definition across the analytics suite... not just the DV component.
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Any update on this? Would love to see an SSO solution from OAC to Snowflake.
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Yes would love to know.... This is a serious gap for large enterprise user communities.
You must provide a free text key value par capability as well.
Many organizations stuck on this point.