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Replace Excel / CSV File Should Allow for New or Changed Columns

User_FBG8L Rank 3 - Community Apprentice

We want to be able to replace existing excel / csv files in OAC with a modified version of the file that may have modified or new columns. At the moment, we get an error saying "unrecognized columns" because we have introduced a new column.

Having to create a new dataset means we would need to create or modify existing data flows or workbooks that use the excel file. It would be great instead to update our manual files in OAC & simply re-running a data flow that uses it or refreshing a workbook.

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Solution provided by Luis.


  • Based on the errors you report - it looks like you are trying to replace the excel/csv files in the workbook. If there is a file based dataset and you want to replace the original file for that dataset with another file that either has fewer or additional columns, this must be done in the Dataset Editor using the Edit Definition screen. The system then checks the new file for integrity to make sure none of the removed columns have transforms that may be impacted. After you save the changes, the workbooks should reflect the new columns. Please refer to one of the tips in this blog for step by step instructions. Let us know if this is solving your issue.