Judging Panel
- Manisha Gupta, VP Product Management, Analytics Apps for HCM
- Avinash Vaithiyam Krishnaram, Director, Product Management, Oracle Analytics
- Carrie Nielsen, Senior Director, Product Strategy, Analytics
- Benjamin Arnulf, Senior Director, Product Strategy, Analytics
- Winston Wang, Vice President User Experience Design
- Dave McColgin, Senior Director, UX Design
- John Fuller, Senior Principal User Experience Designer
Entries will be given a score based on their assessed achievement of the following Design and Analysis criteria. Announcements of the winners will be released on the Oracle Analytics Blog site on or about March 31st 2025.
Clarity of Purpose refers to the extent to which the entry demonstrates an awareness of the audience and their information needs, and how successfully the visualizations meets those needs.
- How appropriately do the visual/thematic elements of the canvas support the content?
- Does the design help the audience focus on the crucial elements?
- Do the data visualizations and other content on the canvas help the user to consume the information in a way that enhances their understanding of the material?
- Does the design illicit the intended response?
Weighting: 10/10
Quality of Execution encompasses effective use of traditional elements of good design which authors should attempt to maintain throughout their design.
- Is the design pleasing and harmonious to the eye?
- Are the color choices appropriate, attractive, and well suited to the material and intention of the piece?
- Is font selection, sizing and hierarchy appropriate to the layout? Is the dashboard/infographic easy to read?
- Are elements on the page aligned? Is there consistency with sizing, and margins on the page?
- Does the layout create a logical page flow?
Weighting: 10/10
Appropriateness of Visualizations is the extent to which an author’s selected chart types fit with the function to which they have been applied.
- Has the author selected appropriate visualization types to highlight relevant details in the data such as comparisons, correlations, patterns, trends, or outliers?
- Has typography been selected that supports the material and intention of the piece?
- If imagery is present, Is it appropriate to the dashboard content? Does it blend well with the data visualizations and avoid competing with the data?
Weighting: 10/10
Range of Methods examines whether the author has employed a variety of methods to continue their investigation and provide the audience with interesting insights.
- Are a range of chart types leveraged to explore the theme?
- Has the author incorporated textual insights within the work?
- Has the author furthered their investigation with more advanced analytics techniques like predictive analytics, map layers, outlier detection…?
Weighting: 10/10
Quality of Story is a measure of how the author well helps their audience navigate the flow of their piece by leveraging the core structure of story.
- Is the focus, issue, or question stated by the author at submission evident in the Data Visualization itself?
- Is enough context set by the piece to help the authors chosen audience understand the problem at hand?
- Do the techniques employed flow nicely and take the audience through a logical progression of questioning?
- Is the conclusion of the investigation clear?
Weighting: 10/10
Depth of Investigation refers to the extent to which the author explores the focus of their piece throughout their analysis.
- Has the author examined multiple contributing factors to their focus area?
- Does the investigation include evidence from multiple contexts or over a spread of time?
- Are alternative explanations or solutions highlighted in the piece?
- Is audience able to interact with the visualization to progress the analysis?
- NB - while only a PNG image file is required for submission, judges will be permitted access to the DVA file after the competition close to allow for full evaluation.
Weighting: 10/10
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