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Follow these six simple guidelines for a great community experience.
When you are the thread creator, accept correct and helpful replies whenever appropriate
By answering YES to the prompt "Did this answer the question?", you make it easier for community members to find replies that might help them in a similar situation. Replies that are accepted in this way are copied to the top of the thread, allowing other community viewers of that same question to find the "best" answer quickly.
In addition, you are acknowledging and rewarding the person who took the time to post the comment, thus increasing that member's reputation. Sometimes you may receive many replies to your question, all of which provide additional insight to a solution approach. In those cases, be a good community custodian and answer Yes or No to the acceptance prompt for each of the replies you receive. You can designate many comments/replies as "accepted", and your commitment to doing this allows other readers to identify pieces of the overall solution (or alternative solutions) that may be of assistance to them.
Like the good replies made by other members of the community
Whether you are the creator of a thread or not, you have the ability to mark the replies of your fellow community members as "Liked". This is fantastic way for the broader community to crowdsource the best responses to a particular question. When you are reviewing threads in your area of interest, take a moment to LIKE replies by other users you agree with, or that you find enlightening, inspired, or particularly noteworthy.
Here's a fun fact: threads with a greater number of LIKES are ranked more highly in results when users search for information in the community. By liking content, you are rewarding users who provide high-value responses and you are helping to bring particular threads to prominence.
Personalize your community display name and avatar
Become more than just a number. Take a few moments to change your display name to something more memorable! Other community members will find it easier to remember you, and they will find it more rewarding to reply to your questions. In lengthy threads in which multiple users are responding, it is far easier to remember who said what when all the participants have distinct identities. The community runs more smoothly and is far more fun and engaging when members show some personality.
Be kind and respectful of your fellow community members, and remain fully engaged in the solution-finding process
Above all, be appreciative of the work community members put in to helping one another! While the community is moderated by Oracle, many of our finest contributors are dedicated customers and partners who participate because they have a strong desire to help others. A little thanks goes a very long way, and actively showing your appreciation is the best way to get fast attention to your next question!
As well, be actively engaged in the process to find an answer to your question. Respond promptly to follow-up or clarifying questions, and let respondents know when something they have suggested works. Always keep in mind that good community karma will pay off in the end; the more respectful you are of member time and effort, the more likely you will be to get continued prompt assistance.
Refrain from entering personally identifiable/sensitive information in your discussions
It's always a good idea to safeguard personal information - a good rule is that if you're in doubt, leave it out. :) The no-post list includes custom URLs, passwords, corporate details, IP addresses, CSI numbers, any consumer information, and similar kinds of information in your threads and responses. This also goes for uploading screen captures and images to the community - be sure to review each one fully so nothing sensitive is shown.
Tag your questions with appropriate keywords
Adding intelligent tags to your questions and discussions will enhance community members' ability to find threads of interest in search. When creating a thread or document, consider "what search terms might I use in the future to search for this content or other related content?" Then take a moment to add those tags to your thread.
Your item will receive a boost in searches executed by users looking for that same keyword or key phrase. Additionally, you can browse all content in the community that is associated with a specific tag (e.g., "OAC", "data warehouse performance", "fusion ERP analytics", etc.)
Adding tags to your content also helps moderators relocate threads that may have been created in the wrong subcategory, and generally help keep content organized and tidy - and easier for you to use!
Mostly importantly, thank you for your contributions to the Oracle Analytics Community!
And just to make sure we are supporting global policies governing user access and data use, here are Oracle's Terms and Conditions. If you have questions or concerns, please let us know.
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