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Unfortunately not, This is still a problem for us, We tried looking into the ASE_ tables and found a ASE_PWD_RESET_REQ table which has an expiry flag, but we haven't managed to validate whether this works the way we think. cheers, Brad
Good Afternoon Haoye, I hope you are well, Did you have any luck reporting on Password Expiry Date?, I hit a dead end and found no way of querying this, Kind Regards, Brad
Hi Haoye, I hope you are well, I'll continue to look into this and let you know if I find anything, cheers, Brad
Hi Gala, Please review following documentation, It worked for me. https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_afrLoop=355644190729854&id=2238277.1&_afrWindowMode=0&_adf.ctrl-state=h0hjnkmi5_9 Kind Regards, Brad
Hi Kelly, I believe the .xls Excel Format is limited to 65536 Rows, I Have made various changes to the number of columns and Data held within each column and I am still limited to the same number of rows, Hope this helps, Brad
Any? most likely a hack, We haven't managed to find any information that supports bulk loading into the manage privileges area of BI. cheers, Brad