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Hi @Rajesh L-Oracle Thanks for the response. I've logged an SR with Oracle Support. Hi @Sinduja Sekar-Oracle I remember seeing this note while I was working on applying 24.R2 upgrade earlier but didn't quite understand the significance of Presentation hierarchies with more than 5 levels being hidden. I could still see more…
Hi Subha, Thanks for the update. I looked out for 'Manager Type' in the subject areas (mainly Workforce Core) in FAW but could not find any relevant field and when I fetched the manager data (i.e., Manager Name, ID etc.) in FAW and compared it with the OTBI data, I noticed that only the Line Manager (or Reports_To manager)…
Please refer to the attached DV.
Yup, that works.
Hi @CarolineAnderson, I was able to create the dynamic filter for Fiscal Year as expected by using parameter. I was not able to do so earlier because somehow multi select option wasn't working for me, but now It works. So, I created a parameter and put up a SQL to get last 3 years dynamically in the possible values and…