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Hi @Shantaram-Oracle , Actually the issue I saw was that the Excel export does not have any data, only the column names. Suppose using the parameter filter I can see 4 rows filtered out in the report, when I export to csv I can see these 4 rows exported but when exported to Excel there isn't any data except for column…
Thanks @SteveF-Oracle . I am doing the same now after the same confirmation from the SR.
Hi @GayathriAnand-Oracle , I have tried it in the latest Nov 2023 OAC version but it still shows the same issue. Can you please specify which version are you talking about.
Hi @Madasamy - Oracle-Oracle , When I installed the Sep 2023 version admin tool it gave the below version same as you have mentioned. Version And even with the Sep 2023 Admin tool we get the same warning. Good to know that the consent to warning does not raise any issue. But do let me know if any issues. Thank…
Hi @TetyanaH-Oracle , Yes the issue is presenting itself when using canvas filter bound to a parameter. Yes will raise an SR.
Hi @Madasamy - Oracle-Oracle The use case is same as you have suggested. I am using the below version So when I open the rpd in cloud mode and then try to save it in local it gives the below warning. And I do have the option to click 'Yes' and continue but wasn't sure if that is recommended or not.
Thank you for the response @Federico Venturin . I will check on these options.
This would be really good to have. Currently it becomes very difficult to understand the first calculation inside the second. This functionality would bring an ease to use the calculations/expressions.
The log for Agent executions would help in understanding the executed tasks better.
Hi Palak, The error is related to the syntax of the formula. In the comparison of the case when statement the date is being subtracted from days , that doesn't seem to be correct, Can you check it once again. CAST("- Purchase Receipt Line Details"."Creation Date Line" AS DATE) < CAST("Purchase Order Schedule Detail"."Need…