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Just wanted to chime in that this is still really needed. An alternate approach could be my idea here as it would also allows for secure transfer of reports.
I've heard rumors that the people group is going away, so I'm not sure what traction you will get on this. Our people group is separated by ":", so I've used some functions to separate it out. SUBSTRING("Workforce Management - Worker Assignment Real Time"."Worker Assignment Details"."People Group" FROM 0 FOR…
This would be a huge help!
Is this still an idea? The link isn't working for me?
Thanks Vijay! Interesting as that's different from the hints they gave us. Below are the ones the gave us. 1) SET VARIABLE OBIS_ORACLEDB_HINTS_FOR_TOP_SELECT= 'OPT_PARAM(''optimizer_adaptive_plans'',''false'') OPT_PARAM(''_optimizer_use_feedback'',''false'') OPT_PARAM(''optimizer_features_enable'','''')'; 1) SET…
Hi Richard, This worked to pull the correct time. Is it possible to combine this with SQL TimeDiff? I'm trying to find the difference between the current time and last assignment change time, but it is giving me an error. Any ideas?
This worked! Thanks so much!
Thanks for the info Gopinath. This is pulling the same time as Current_Timestamp, but it doesn't update when I schedule or run the report. It only updates when I hit refresh.