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Hi IIa, Similar ideas have already being posted and also reviewed by Oracle. Oracle should soon consider this and make it available. Thanks and Regards, Reena Trangri
Hi, Yes agreed. Though this limit can be changed in Table View properties, the default limit should be definitely more than 500 rows per page, as this is a small resultset that we generally work with. Thanks
Hi, Just wanted to add that Dashboard prompts are available that can be used in common by many analysis when these analysis are placed on the dashboards. Regards, Reena Trangri
Yes definitely this would be an important feature to be provided that would help making accidental changes. Regards, Reena Trangri
This is a very old known issue and expected to be fixed in next OBI version upgrade. There have been earlier many related posts on the same providing the workarounds to have this resolved at our end. Pls. find below some posts discussing the same issue https://cloudcustomerconnect.oracle.com/posts/41852cf1ad…
Hi , The above statements would work, but just wanted to mention that CONCAT function will work as well when both are cast to character datatypes, and in the above case, nested CONCAT may be needed, as Req no and Cand id needs to be separated by a "-" CONCAT(CONCAT(CAST("Requisition Identification"."Req. Identifier" AS…
Hi, Have you applied filter conditions for the respective step/statuses that is expected? The above custom formula will evaluate for all applications according to the rows fetched based on filter criteria and will display blank if the conditions as per formula is not satisfied. It won't suppress or filter out any rows..…
Hi Sakshi, Have you tried the workaround suggested by Oracle in general for such kind of error? Pls. refer my post above. Is this workaround not helping ? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- As a workaround to get rid of this error, Oracle…
Hi Erin, Edit the Formula for Posting Date column and enter the expression as Max("Requisition Posting"."Posting Date") Thanks and Regards, Reena
Hi, Have you tried to pull "Requisition Posting"."Posting Board Type" field too. Multiple rows could be fetched if there are different Board Types like "Internal"/"External" If you wish to see the recent posting Date details, you can try using a Max on Posting Date column and it will avoid duplicates.Hope this helps.…
Hi, We have seen this intermittent error while running an OBI Analysis in past. However, it has not occurred since a long time. As a workaround to get rid of this error, Oracle had suggested to signout, clear browser cache/history, and try login again to access. This had helped us in the past. Thanks and Regards, Reena…