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See -> https://docs.oracle.com/middleware/12211/biee/BIEMG/GUID-9BA0DED0-83DD-4326-82E5-4A607B75952A.htm#hpp_l_advanced If your relationship is as simple as you describe I would expect (for it to work); - Fact 1 - relationship to dimension 1 set to detail Dimension 1 - has a dimension hierarchy with a minimum of total…
Can you also show us the physical joins? Can you also show what has been modelled on the dimension hierarchies in question and the settings on the table source for the fact / dimension relationships in question?
On testing you might want to look to the advanced tab and clear the option that uses cache, it can save a lot of this kind of pain.
See - > https://biproducts.wordpress.com/2013/05/24/how-to-exportimport-the-foldersreports-from-one-envirornment-to-another/
Two options, either use the bins functionality or write a case statement by invoking function on the column. https://oraclebizint.wordpress.com/2007/12/05/oracle-bi-ee-101332-bins-and-groups/ http://shikha17.blogspot.com/2015/10/using-case-statement-obiee-11g.html With current non-binary gender alignments you probably also…
You might also consider using the filter function; - https://datacadamia.com/dat/obiee/obips/filter_function
Hi Joe, your immediate need might be what you describe but what Gianni / Joel are pointing you to is one of the cornerstones. A sound time hierarchy begets so much useful functionality; - - Time based measures; Ago, Period Rolling, Total To ...Month / Quarter, Year - Time based drills - Alternative hierarchies - Fiscal…
re: Joel's suggestion see -> http://onlyobi.blogspot.com/2013/07/create-date-dimension-using-sql.html
One possible solution for you, if you have access to create DB objects is to create a view and a trigger on the view. https://www.oracletutorial.com/plsql-tutorial/oracle-instead-of-triggers/ Then use the view / trigger combination as an API to handle your multiple update logic. If the straight update with a single…
Your issue is probably one of the order of aggregation, due to whether your objects are physical or logical, on the case of case statements and aggregation you nearly always need it to be based on physical measures. My advice would be to create your logic in the rpd if possible, reproduce your case statement based on the…